Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sister Act 2- A Throwback in some JESUS love

Subject: There used to be a time when you could watch movies like Sister Act 1 & 2 and it wouldn't be considered politically incorrect.  It wouldn't be on ABC family and it wouldn't only be shown in church.  Major Cable used to carry this movie and show it all the time... DURING prime time.  i say I think it 's time to bring the Jesus back in our nightly lives.  Watching Lauren Hill rock it out and Whoopi dancing is fantastic.   Good message with a good story and songs that make ya wanna sing!  Maybe I'm just missing the good old days.

An intersection of miracles?

Subject: Ok so things are getting a little bit better.  I met someone at work she moved from Montreal and she is working two full time jobs in order to make ends meet.  I told her about a opportunity at my old workplace that might fit her needs in addition she will not need to work like a dog to have a life.   I thought to myself that day that if this is the journey I had to take in order to help someone then LORD it was worth it.

In addition my favorite quote of the day is the follow:

Is your situation getting tougher and you feel like giving up? Don't! You are very close to your breakthrough. Some of you started the process that has brought you to this point 10, 20, 30 or more years ago. Truncating it means taking you several years back. You can make it! Hold on fast: you will get there! Going back to your vomit means undoing all that Heaven has done in your life over the years. This makes you a loser. Pray: Father, Help me not to look back.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Trying to find the map..........

Hey sorry I haven’t been on in a while.  My life has been turned upside down.  Where do we begin?  Maybe from the start...  A situation happened out of my control.  Maybe I deserved it because I started to get to smug with myself or maybe it’s what others would call a string of bad luck.  Through all of this I have turned in to a person whom I don’t recognize.  A person whom people don’t want to be around or talk to.  A person whom the people closest to me talk about.  There are times when I feel that I could kill someone. Then I realize that person is me.  I could kill my hopes, my dreams, my wants, and my destiny.  Then I remember GOD and I think there is no way he could abandon me yet I don’t feel him... at least not like I used to.  I had to leave my job.  My husband committed a crime which has upturned our lives and I’m struggling to makes ends meet.  Nothing that seems to hard except it seems we can’t get out of this funk.  I’m seeking prayer and inspiration from every angle and finding most things are empty.  Thank God for my church’s bible club and Sunday school I have found so much joy in being with these kids that it has become the most exciting aspect of my life.  I know that I should forgive but I have to deal with this anger.  If I don’t then it will eat me alive.  I can honestly say that this is one of the lowest points in my life.  I really do not know what to do about it.  But I thank God that I’m still here to at least change it.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

That's My King!

StarringGenre OverallMy rating is: Should you watch it:Performance of the Actors:

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ahh the internet again

Subject: The internet again.

I'm finally up an running again!  Thank you Lord.  I'll be posting some products I've made to day online shortly. Watch out

Friday, February 4, 2011

The internet

Subject: Hey have you ever tried to get the internet from a good company with a good price? Please help I'm having problems

Friday, January 28, 2011

Meet the Peeps pt 1

Subject: Nokuthula

Nok is on a nappy roots crusade. But still loves the weave and is rockin’ it good as a protective style.  She is happy with the growth of her hair and is making waves.
Pics will come soon when I can convince her